As a result, real earnings from resource exports are expected to drop 10. 1 language Read Edit View history Tools This is a list of places in Queensland by urban centre population. 41. It is 112 kilometres (70 mi) north of Bowen and 290 kilometres (180 mi) north of Mackay. [1] The locality contains two other towns: Heronvale ( Latest release 2021 Census All persons QuickStats Geography type Suburbs and Localities Area code SAL32257 (a) This label has been updated to more accurately reflect the Census concept shown in this data item. Tickets are only . 4066 ( Ayr (town centre)) Ayr is a rural town and locality in the Shire of Burdekin, Queensland, Australia. se: Gazetteer - Queensland - Top 100+ Cities by Population - Top 100+ By Country () Queensland - Top 100+ Cities by Population Population data by city is the population of the city itself, not the metro area. Explanation: Different methods of counting and boundaries changes impair the comparability between population figures of different censuses. To attribute this work, cite Queensland Regional Profiles, Queensland Government Statistician's Office, Queensland Treasury. 316 million by the end of June of 2023. [2] [3] In the 2016 census, the locality of Bowen had a population of 10,377 people. [1] The locality contains two other towns: Heronvale ( Latest release 2021 Census All persons QuickStats Geography type State/Territory Area code 3 (a) This label has been updated to more accurately reflect the Census concept shown in this data item. 6. The School Trustee election is administered by the District of West Vancouver. 1,556,509. 0 International licence You are free to copy, communicate and adapt the work, as long as you attribute the authors. The table below provides individual maps for each of the 78 ASGS local government areas within Queensland in a pdf format. By Type. 0: Primary: 220: 45. 1 per cent – going from 247 people to 430 and a total of 593 private dwellings. Date: 9 th to 11 th September 2022* The 2022 Don River Dash is set to break records yet again. Bowen Shire's population currently sits at about 12,500 people but could rise to more than 14,000 over the next 10 years depending on the potential for approval of the massive CHALCO alumina project at Abbot Point and expansion of the local mining and farming industries. The Don River Dash is an offroad two-day race for bikes and cars 8-10 Sept 2023Ayr, Queensland. One of the main agricultural industries in Bowen is mangoes and that’s why one of the first things you’ll see as you arrive in town is the Big Mango. 11th November. The tide chart above shows the height and times of high tide and low tide for Bowen, Australia. 44%. Quite the same Wikipedia. Explanation: Different methods of counting and boundaries changes impair the comparability between population figures of different censuses. You can enter the trail from any of the bays, and choose to walk the entire circuit or just part of it. / -19. The town was incorporated in 1867 and is named after Lady Diamantina Bowen (née di Roma), the wife of Sir George Bowen, the Governor of. 3% and 14. 316 million by the end of June of 2023. Data is as of 2011 estimates. 4,584 likes · 740 talking about this · 238 were here. The Best Things to do in Bowen 2022. Key findings Key Figure 1 Bowen Basin region Thefindings Bowen of this Basin report had include: an estimated non-resident population of 18,955persons in June 2021, a slight decline of 50 persons (or less The Bowen Basin – at a glance than 1%) from June 2020. 6% were female. 8,605. 46% over last 11 years since 2011. The population development of Bowen as well as related information and. Annual statistics review The QPS annual statistical review provides information on crime trends and patterns and other policing issues. Series B and C follow a similar trajectory to Series A, peaking in June 2021 before declining overall to. . To get other months or places not on this web site, contact us. Want to know what it’s like to live in Bowen, QLD 4805? View Bowen’s suburb profile and guide for reviews and ratings written by locals. H. It is held in June each year on what used to be the Queens Birthday weekend. Series B and C follow a similar trajectory to Series A, peaking in June 2021 before declining overall to 18,650 and 18,750 persons respectively in 2025. 8% in 2020-21. The biggest age group is 30-34 year and 45-49 olds at 6. Mon 19 Dec 2022 at 8:35pm 19 December 2022 Mon 19 Dec 2022 at 8:35pm Queensland court rules Clive Palmer's Waratah Coal mine infringes on human rights of future generations By Jade Toomey The police division of Bowen, Queensland has recorded 20573 offences from 2017-2022 which is Below Average by a total of 4532 offences. It is 112 kilometres (70 mi) north of Bowen and 290 kilometres (180 mi) north of Mackay. 6: 25,485: 8. Location Guide Today's tide times for Bowen, Australia The predicted tide times today on Thursday 13 July 2023 for Bowen are: first low tide at 1:24am, first high tide at 6:48am, second low tide at 1:09pm, second high tide at 7:52pm. Last Spring High Tide at Bowen was on Mon 17 Jul (height:. 41. Between 2016 and 2021, the Gambier Island Trust Area ’s population increased by 74. 1 percent, growing from 676 people in 2016 to 744 in 2021. FB: Email: [email protected]. The state also experienced rapid population growth through “sunbelt” migration to the more attractive coastal regions, although the population in the already sparsely populated interior continued to decline. It has been forcasted that the population will increase from approx 8000 people to 30,000 people in the next 10 years. Bowen is located about 20 degrees south of the equator which makes it an ideal. 0 International licence You are free to copy, communicate and adapt the work, as long as you attribute the authors. According to the Series A projection, the non-resident population will grow to 19,310 persons in June 2021, before declining gradually to 17,310 persons by 2025. The following are elected to Bowen Island Municipal Council. 0: 4,967: 5. (b) De facto marriage is when two people live together as partners who are not in a registered marriage. Queensland Government Statistician’s Office Surat Basin non–resident population projections, 2022 to 2026 3 • Series C projection includes the Series A and B projections, plus projected growth in the non-resident population arising from Category C projects (those that have published an EIS that are not yet approved). com. Bowen Basin: Non–resident population projections, by local government area (LGA), 2022 to 2026 Building approvals: dwelling units approved by type, Queensland, 1983–84 to 2021–22 Building approvals: value of building approved. D. Outside the southeast corner, Townsville is the largest city in regional Queensland. the geographic distance between population s (Eldridge & Lott 2020). Since the previous year, the population has grown by 2. com. Further information about the population structure: Gender (C 2021) Males:Queensland Government Statistician’s Office Bowen and Galilee Basins non–resident population projections, 2022 to 2026 3 • Series C projection includes the Series A and B projections, plus projected growth in the non-resident population arising from Category C projects (those that have published an EIS that are not yet approved). 5733; 148. “The new planning scheme focuses new residential development. For 2021, registered marriages include all couples. The population of Bowen in 2011 was 10,260 people. Bowen's first large scale cooking/ barbecuing competition complimented with our first mango. Ayr is located near the delta of the Burdekin River. 0. Explanation: Different methods of counting and boundaries changes impair the comparability between population figures of different censuses. More action. The grey shading corresponds to nighttime hours between sunset and sunrise at Bowen. [1] The locality contains two other towns: Heronvale ( 20. According to the Series A projection, the non-resident population will grow to 19,310 persons in June 2021, before declining gradually to 17,310 persons by 2025. D. 1. [3] [4] It is the administrative centre of the Maranoa Region. Get the monthly weather forecast for Bowen, Queensland, Australia, including daily high/low, historical averages, to help you plan ahead. In 1859 Capt. The data has not changed. Several Aboriginal groups identify strongly with the region: Birri,. The population of Bowen was 10,828 and Collinsville had a population of 1730. The Chief Economist explains this fall to be largely due to: Roma, Queensland. 5 km one way, and it connects Horsehoe Bay, Murray Bay and Rose Bay. Roma, Queensland. The current population increase is estimated at around 70 million people per year. According to the Series A projection, the non-resident population will grow to 19,310 persons in June 2021, before declining gradually to 17,310 persons by 2025. We use end of June each year due to Australia Bureau Statistics always follow Australia financial year when pushed the data. Further information about the population structure: Males Females 48. Situated on a headland. (b) For 2021, median weekly rent calculations exclude dwellings being occupied rent-free. 42. Urban areas by population [ edit] Greater Capital City. [3] [4] It is the administrative centre of the Maranoa Region. (a) In December 2017, amendments to the Marriage Act 1961 came into effect enabling marriage equality for all couples. The 2021 figures refer to 2021 boundaries. It’s useful for external researchers, private and public agencies and community groups. Demographics & education demographics & education | cultural & language diversity | employment People tables are based on a person's place of usual residence on Census. This giant 10-metre high mango cost $90,000 to create a tourist attraction in 2002. The Chief Economist’s report predicts a record high of $26 billion in 2018-19 before steep declines of 19. 5 mi) away from the (smaller) town of Home Hill. 41. Sinclair was. 67 Herbert Street, Bowen Shop 23 Whitsunday Plaza, Cannonvale Cnr Stanley and Conway Streets. / -26. [2] [3] In the 2016 census, the locality of Bowen had a population of 10,377 people. This table provides data to supplement the Bowen and Galilee Basins non–resident population projections, 2022 to 2026 report. Non-resident workers on-shift made up 21% of the FTE population. It lies along Port Denison, an inlet of the Coral Sea, between Mackay and Townsville. Cape Edgecumbe walking trail. The size of Bowen is approximately 1,650. 3. Swimming and snorkelling at Horseshoe Bay is one of the best things to do in Bowen. The Big Mango was our first stop in Bowen. 06% in 2019). See tours 2. The Don River Dash is an offroad two-day race for bikes and cars 8-10 Sept 2023 Bowen River Rodeo, Campdraft and Bush Sports is an annual Collinsville event that has been running since 1886. Queensland, Australia 260 contributions. Caravan Park; Motel; Self Contained; Backpackers Hostel; By Location. Accessibility. In 2016-2017, over 40,000 homeless people were identified in Queensland, which is equal to 1 in 117 Queenslanders. 88% per year in 2023 (down from 0. More dates. 2% 21. 1. The 2021 figures refer to 2021 boundaries. Geoba. In Bowen, Christianity was the largest broad group religious group reported overall (54. Area 668,207 square miles (1,730,648 square km). The Bowen Basin is Queensland’s major coal mining region, with 43 coal mining operations and two gold mines as at. The 2021 figures refer to 2021 boundaries. We use end of June each year due to Australia Bureau Statistics always follow Australia financial year when pushed the data. 2: 6,070: 6. At low tide you can walk towards the North Head. To get other months or places not on this web site, contact us. It lies along Port Denison, an inlet of the Coral Sea, between Mackay and. 7,484. , Bowen, Queensland. (a) In December 2017, amendments to the Marriage Act 1961 came into effect enabling marriage equality for all couples. Get the monthly weather forecast for Bowen, Queensland, Australia, including daily high/low, historical averages, to help you plan ahead. There will be 11 hours and 07 minutes of sun and the average temperature is 16°C. 0 International licence You are free to copy, communicate and adapt the work, as long as you attribute the authors. The Campdraft begins on Friday morning and runs until Sunday afternoon with the Rodeo running Saturday & Sunday. 0hrs). 3. →. The town was incorporated in 1867 and is named after Lady Diamantina Bowen (née di Roma), the wife of Sir George Bowen, the Governor of. The town was incorporated in 1867 and is named after Lady Diamantina Bowen (née di Roma), the wife of Sir George Bowen, the Governor of. . 2021 Census Community Profiles Geography type Indigenous Locations Area code ILOC31000101 To download an Excel Community Profile spreadsheet of this area, select one of the following profile types: Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples Profile Download xlsx [1 MB] • The Bowen Basin had an estimated FTE population of 100,120 persons in June 2022, comprising 79,580 residents and 20,540 non-resident workers on-shift. Situated at the top of the Whitsundays, Bowen offers visitors a veritable paradise with eight beautiful beaches to enjoy and explore. Before a settlement could be established there, an. a slowing global economy; low confidence in major Western institutions to stimulate economic activity; and recovery from mine closures in Brazil, which have been pushing up prices over the past few months. Bowen is a town and locality in the Whitsunday Region on the eastern coast of Queensland, Australia. [2] [3] It is the centre of a sugarcane-growing region and the administrative. Between 2016 and 2021, the Gambier Island Trust Area ’s population increased by 74. Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics (web). To the east, Queensland is bordered by the Coral. 2: Tertiary - Vocational education (including TAFE and private training providers) 24: 5. 0. 0 International licence You are free to copy, communicate and adapt the work, as long as you attribute the authors. 1,367,026. / -26. More competitors. U nder section 517 of the EPBC Act the combined koala populations of Queensland, New Sout h Wales and the Australian CapitalClick here to see Bowen weather for the week. 4% 51. Lake Proserpine. The QLD government are committed to expanding the Abboott Point port to include 4. To get other months or places not on this web site, contact us. The population of Bowen in 2011 was 10,260 people.